How To Get Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) In Tanzania

When I wrote about how to create a company I also explained that when you completed the registration of the company and you got a registration certificate there are other things to do before the formal business start. One of those things I said when you did not get a certificate you had to go to the relevant municipalities and get a business license. The relevant municipality is the municipality where your company's office will be.Something else after obtaining a certificate of registration is to get a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). In order for a company to trade legally it should have received this number. 
It is possible that each shareholder has a taxpayer number but those numbers can be used as individuals and not of the company.The company should have its own independent number. 
Also for group members, such as saccos, civil society organizations and NGOs, and have to have a taxpayer number for those groups.

The Tanzanian Revenue Authority (TRA) is the authority responsible for issuing tax payer number. Initially these numbers were issued at the headquarters of the revenue authority where the promotion of services has been set up regional offices in various areas that serve the needs of the regional  for example in Dar es Salaam, office existing around area of Shaurimoyo. However, there are some areas where regional offices have not been set up for example in the regions areas where they forced to follow this service at the headquarters of the revenue authority in Dar es salaam.

To get the company's Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), you need to go with the following things.

(a)  Two photos of passport for each director. Directors either two, three or one, each should submit their two pictures of passport size.

(b)  Photocopy of Identify. Here the identity may be national, voting, birth certificate, passport or driving license.

(c) Photocopy of company or group constitution of (memorandum & article of association). This aims to show the kind of business that the company will be doing.

(d  ) Photocopy of incorporation certificate. This is to prove that the company applying for a taxpayer's license is legally registered.

(e  ) The cave agreement of the area where the business will be undertaken. If it's your home then you will submit the ownership documents for that house.

(f) A  letter filled with a local government chairman of the business that will be undertaken. This letter is issued by TRA's revenue authority and is filled with local government chairman. So this letter will follow the TRA and send local servers to fill them up and seal it.

At the end of the document, you will go to TRA where you will find a specific form that you will need to fill in. In those forms there are part of the company's directors to sign up with your homeowner who has appointed the office as you have planned.Afterward you will be interviewed for a Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).


The following are the necessary ingredients.

(a)  One copy registration certificate from RITA. The RITA Authority is responsible for the registration of groups and their certificate must be attached to confirm the registration.

(b)  One copy of the Group Constitution and a summary of the final session.

(c)  Two passport photos of the secretary, treasurer and chairman.Each two passportsize.

(d)  One copy of the cave agreement if the group's office is scheduled or documented, the residential license, if the office is not planning.

(e) One copy of ID for each partner(group Member). Here the identity may be national, voting, birth certificate, passport or driving license.

(f  ) A letter filled with a local government chairman of the business that will be undertaken. This letter is issued by TRA's revenue authority and is filled with the chairman. So this letter will follow the TRA and send local governments to fill them with their seal.

Here also after completing all the documents will be filled with the existing formats of the revenue authority and will be held shortly for the characters and Taxpayer Identification Number TIN will be available.


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