Here below are the origin of Bantu

1.Coastal Groups.
Bantu groups had settled much of the coast from the south or west. Moving up the coast they encountered hostile Galla probably around Shungwaya and dispersed south amd west from there. Some of these movements were such as:-

  • Swahili section of Kilindini Changamwe and Tangana moved to Mombasa between 1591 up to 1698.
  • Some of the Segeju amd Nyika settled on the mainland behind Mombasa.
  • The Pokomo mixed with Galla, Dorobo, Seguja and other people in their slow migration away from Shungwaya.
  • Other Segeju groups fled to Lamu and nearby regions from 1650 to 1700, mingled with the inhabitants and formed the Bajun and Tikuu. Some went to the Mwangen Hills and other to the lower Tana district.

2.Mount kenya group. 
These people look like to have come from a dispersal in the Taita Hills region and to have been confined to the highland by the Masai. The Chuka came up the Tana river (1300). The Embu arrived in the early fifteenth century (15th C). The Kikuyu reached the Embu district early in the sixteenth century (16th C) and spread southwards to the Kiambu area by about 1800.

3.Nothern Tanzania Groups.
These people of mountain Kilimanjaro and nothern Tanzania also dispersed from the Taita Hills in all probability. The chagga. They developed the institution of chieftainship, perhaps as a result of the contact with their neighbours to the west. They were this enabled to build up organized EMPIRES. Other members of this group imclude the Shambaa and the Gweno.

4.Southern Groups. 
The people of southern Tanzania coast came, for the most part, with the early Bantu migrations from the distant interior about which the little is, as yet, known. This is not true of the latest arrivals the Ngoni. The Ngoni were the result of a mingling of peoples including the Matebele and the Shangaan who were driven north as a result of the Zulu raids in the Southern African during the first half of the nineteenth century. By 1840 they had reached the South-East corner of Lake Tanganyika. In 1841 up to 1842 they move to East to Songea and easily dominated the decentralised societies of the area like Yao. But about 1845 other groups spread over much of Southern Tanzania. The Songea Ngoni were forced across the Ruvuma River and founded Gomani. The results of ngoni invasion were Emergency of RUGARUGA.
Establishement of centralised government or states or political units and some formed by the Ngoni and others formed by opposition like Nyamwezi Kingdom in Tanzania.


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