University of Dar es Salaam is selected to host local edition of HultPrize as students answer the United Nations Challenge and go head-to-head for US$ 1M About HULTPRIZE UDSM Challenge HULTPRIZE UDSM Challenge is a student lead (lead by the appointed HULTPRIZE Campus Director) event under the coordination of the University of Dar es Salaam Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (UDIEC). The HULTPRIZE UDSM Challenge is local edition of the world’s largest competition run by HultPrize in partnership with the United Nations, hosting College and University events around the world in search of the next game-changing start-up.
About the Hult Prize Foundation
Hult Prize is the world’s biggest engine for the launch of for-good, for-profit startups emerging from university with over 2500 staff and volunteers around the world. In nearly a decade, the movement has deployed more than US$ 50M of capital into the sector and mobilized more than one million young people to re-think the future of business as it continues to breed disruptive innovation on college and university campuses across 100 plus countries. The Hult Prize Foundation been called the “Nobel Prize for Students” and has been featured in a TIME Magazine Cover Story highlighting the “Top 5 Ideas Changing the World.” To learn more, visit

Objective of the HULTPRIZE UDSM Challenge 2018/19 Generally speaking, the challenge aims at creating the best engine of social entrepreneurs worldwide by inspiring and motivating youth to engage themselves in social entrepreneurship in which they can turn social challenges into profitable ventures and be able to earn income and create jobs for others.
Specifically, this year’s competition aims to have students "Create a venture or a business idea that will provide 10000 meaningful jobs to youth within the next decade".

The winner of the intra-campus event will automatically advance to compete in one of fifteen regional finals happening around the world. In our case the winner will proceed to Nairobi in March 2019. The winners from Nairobi will proceed to a summer business accelerator in UK in July 2019. One winning team from each host city will then move onto a summer business accelerator, where participants will receive mentorship, advisory and strategic planning as they create prototypes and set-up to launch their new social business. A final round of competition will be hosted in September, where the winning team will be awarded the $1,000,000 prize.
“The Hult Prize is a wonderful example of the creative cooperation needed to build a world with shared opportunity, shared responsibility, and shared prosperity, and each year I look forward to seeing the many outstanding ideas the competition produces” (Former US President Bill Clinton).
Hult Prize at University of Dar es Salaam is now recruiting teams who are interested in registering for the competition.
Who is Eligible to Apply?
• Must be a team of 3-4
• The team must have a name
• Current Students at University of Dar es Salaam (Bachelor, Masters or PhD)
• UDSM Alumni, Faculty or Staff are NOT eligible

How to Apply
Applications are done online by registering your team at:
Application Deadline “It's not everyday that you have an opportunity to change the world. This is your chance to show the world you are dedicated to impact” So make sure you don’t miss the application deadline which is on 03rd December 2018 !!!

For more Information Contact:
Hultprize UDSM Campus Director Mr. Simba Khalid
+255757740753 or email;


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