Call For Interview UTUMISHI At (NIT, CBE, TPSC, MWEKA, KEC, TIA), On 07-08 February 2019

Secretary of Employment Secretariat in Public Service on behalf of National Institute of Transport (NIT), College of Business Education (CBE),Tanzania Public Services (PSTC), The College of African Wildlife Management (OPERATIVE), Kibaha Education Center (KEC), Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA), Tanzania Wildlife Management Authority (TAWA), Water Institute (WI), The Mkwawa University College of Education(MUCE), Tanzania Pyrethrum Board (TPB), Dar es Salaam Maritime Institute (DMI), and the National College of Tourism (NCT)
Secretary of Employment Secretariat in Public Service notifying all applicants who have applied for jobs interviews are expected operated from 07-08 February, 2019 and finally to provide job centers for applicants who will be able to achieve the interviews.( Click link below download all names)


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